The Power of the Masses

March 24, 2008

So my co-worker had his place broken into and his TV, Xbox and laptop stolen. He posted a blog entry about the situation and a photo he got from a local pawn shop of the guy trying to sell a laptop matching his. The blog post got a Digg and it snowballed from there. Some 6000+ Diggs later and the mass of Diggers that rallied up to help find the culprits and offer support have succeeded in getting some the stuff back (which is amazing all on it’s own).

It’s a good example of how the internet and the real world are one and the same, as well as how much personal information is available online if someone wants to find it. The main point of attack was the not-so-bright wanna be ghetto trash kid that had the Xbox. Not being the brightest he contacts my co-worker stating that he stole the Xbox and is offering to sell it back. Since he contacted my co-worker via Xbox live, he offered up the first batch of personal info. From there the Diggers did the rest.

I’m not going to post any pictures of the kid or any of the personal info garnered about him. Though I will post a link to my co-workers blog on what happened.

Initial Post: WOW, You’re a MORON
Follow up: WOW, You’re a MORON (When the internet attacks!)
Follow up: WOW, You’re a MORON (Behold the Power of the Internet)

UPDATE : The Xbox was returned. Two out of the three items back is amazing. Even better the police have an idea as to whom is the real thief.

UPDATE : Not only did his story make the front cover of the local paper, CNN picked up the story as well.

One Response to “The Power of the Masses”

  1. Chris Moran Says:

    Nice writing style. Looking forward to reading more from you.

    Chris Moran

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